A Year of Hard Work, A Night of Celebration For All DIGI-TEXX’s Stars. The Company Trip 2024 concluded on November 24, 2024, at the stunning Empyrean Cam Ranh Beach Resort. Over 700 dedicated employees embarked on this intergalactic adventure, embodying the company’s spirit of overcoming barriers and pushing limits.

2024 was a year marked by relentless effort, innovation, and unwavering dedication. Our team pushed boundaries, overcame challenges, and achieved remarkable milestones. As we gathered for our annual company trip, we took a moment to celebrate our success.
The gala dinner was a highlight of the trip, where our esteemed CEO, Founder, and shareholder shared inspiring messages that ignited our passion for the future. Their words resonated with every member of our team, motivating us to strive for even greater heights.

Through engaging team-building activities and a vibrant Gala Dinner, our team members demonstrated exceptional camaraderie and unwavering commitment. The challenges encountered served as catalysts for innovation and collaboration, highlighting the extraordinary talent within our organization.
We hope this trip not only provided a much-needed respite but also fostered stronger bonds among colleagues, inspiring creativity and positive energy. By uniting as one, we aim to elevate DIGI-TEXX to new heights, shining brightly in the industry.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all participants and the organizing committee for their invaluable contributions to the success of this event.

The memories forged during this unforgettable journey—filled with laughter, camaraderie, and shared experiences—will forever be cherished. As we reflect on these moments, we are reminded of the power of teamwork and the importance of celebrating our collective achievements.
We’re grateful for the opportunity to recharge, bond with colleagues, and return to work with renewed energy. As we embark on a new year, we’re confident that our team’s collective spirit and unwavering commitment will drive us forward.
Let’s continue to break barriers, innovate, and achieve extraordinary things together. Here’s to a bright future as we are DIGI-TEXX VIETNAM.