At the end of June 2023, the HR department collaborated with VMP Academy to organize an Effective Communication Skills course. The course had over 60 participants from Back-office and Operations departments.
The course is a common topic that everyone knows, but in this training session, trainer Cao Van Tai from VMP provided DIGI-TEXX students with more thorough, in-depth, and comprehensive knowledge. Mr. Tai also lets everyone practice with fun games, helping students not only easily absorb knowledge but also have the opportunity to interact with each other and learn from others’ perspectives.
The course begins by exploring five common communication barriers such as prejudice, labeling, inference, lack of authenticity, and default listening. Combined with an understanding of the impact of nonverbal and verbal communication, students have gained the tools to adjust and overcome communication barriers in everyday conversations.
Then, students access the DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness) personality assessment model to read behavior and determine the appropriate communication style for each subject.
In addition, the course emphasizes the importance of active listening as a fundamental component of effective communication. Through the game “Secret Words”, students become aware of the dangers of default listening, then pay attention to practicing listening fully, showing empathy, and asking questions to ensure a deeper understanding of the speaker’s message.
Through a comprehensive exploration of all aspects of communication, students gain valuable tools and techniques that leverage the power of voice, verbal and nonverbal to communicate effectively within organizations. and foster a more cohesive work environment.
Over two practice-packed days, our attendees discovered the power of coaching and Manager as Coach – coaching as a leadership style.
Coaching isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a way of unleashing the true potential of individuals and teams, that helps them achieve top performance in line with the organization’s goals.
The course debunked the myth that managers should give orders and instead showed how they can help people grow through coaching. Manager as Coach is the management style that emphasizes collaboration, listening actively, delegating tasks with finesse, and giving effective feedback. Managers will be more like mentors, supporting employees’ personal growth, and focusing on building a strong team dynamic with a shared vision and shared values.
Furthermore, the course introduced attendees to potent coaching models, namely the Results-based and Behavioral Shift models. These frameworks provided attendees with practical tools to apply in diverse scenarios.
By the end of the course, our managers left feeling inspired and equipped with a fresh approach to leadership.