DIGI-CONNECT – a CSR Project Providing Vocational Training In Data Processing Skills For Marginalized People In The Digital Era

The DIGI-CONNECT is a project co-funded by the German Investment Corporation (DEG) and DIGI-TEXX, managed by the non-profit organization – ASSIST Vietnam since 2020, driving to resolve the lack of trained employees in many Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) businesses.

The project is an e-learning platform aiming to create job opportunities in the  BPO industry for marginalized groups in rural Vietnam.  As the digital and data-based economies grow, DIGI-CONNECT supports BPO companies to address the need for qualified workers, uplift marginalized communities, and fast-track Vietnam’s sustainable development.

The targeted groups of the DIGI-CONNECT project are women, persons with disabilities, and unemployed youths. Once graduated, the beneficiaries will gain the data-processing skills required for the BPO industry, arming them with the necessary qualifications to be employed by either DIGI-TEXX or other companies within the industry.

Check out DIGI-CONNECT’s beneficiaries interview here

After a year of operating, DIGI-CONNECT has achieved impressive milestones, promising a bright future for the marginalized groups in Vietnam’s rural areas and a sustainable development for the nation’s BPO industry. 

DIGI-TEXX VIETNAM is looking forward to having many other coming CSR projects to bridge the gap between recruiting and training disabilities and promoting gender equality in employment.