DIGI-CONNECT – a CSR Project Providing Vocational Training In Data Processing Skills For Marginalized People In The Digital Era

The DIGI-CONNECT is a project co-funded by the German Investment Corporation (DEG) and DIGI-TEXX, managed by the non-profit organization – ASSIST Vietnam since 2020, driving to resolve the lack of trained employees in many Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) businesses.

The project is an e-learning platform aiming to create job opportunities in the  BPO industry for marginalized groups in rural Vietnam.  As the digital and data-based economies grow, DIGI-CONNECT supports BPO companies to address the need for qualified workers, uplift marginalized communities, and fast-track Vietnam’s sustainable development.

The targeted groups of the DIGI-CONNECT project are women, persons with disabilities, and unemployed youths. Once graduated, the beneficiaries will gain the data-processing skills required for the BPO industry, arming them with the necessary qualifications to be employed by either DIGI-TEXX or other companies within the industry.

Check out DIGI-CONNECT’s beneficiaries interview here

After a year of operating, DIGI-CONNECT has achieved impressive milestones, promising a bright future for the marginalized groups in Vietnam’s rural areas and a sustainable development for the nation’s BPO industry. 

DIGI-TEXX VIETNAM is looking forward to having many other coming CSR projects to bridge the gap between recruiting and training disabilities and promoting gender equality in employment. 


Deputy Director of Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam 8

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